Rojas, A., Huntley, J. W., and Scarponi, G. “Spatial patterns of trematode-induced pits on bivalve skeletons: Challenges and prospects for research on parasite-host dynamics”. Submitted to Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology.
Rojas, A., et al. “The mid-Cretaceous saga: A multilayer network analysis of fossil cephalopods supports the three-fold natural division of the Cretaceous”. In preaparation for Cretaceous Research.
Rojas, A., Eriksson, A., Neuman, M., Edler, D., Blöcker, C., and Rosvall, M. “A Natural History of Networks: Higher-Order Network Modeling for Paleobiology Research.” Under review in Paleobiology (PAB-2024-0003).
Alessandro, C., Mancuso, A., Prada, F., Rojas, A., Scarponi, D., Falini, G., Goffredo, S. Insights on Chamelea gallina growth dynamics from the Holocene climate optimum in the Northern Adriatic Sea (Italy). Under review in Science of the Total Environment (STOTEN-D-24-37850).
Pilotto, H., Gholamrezaie, E., Weegar, R., Rojas, A., Buckland, P. “Biodiversity shifts: data-driven insights from modern ecology, archaeology, and quaternary sciences”. SBDI. PDF
Raulo, A., Rojas, A., Kröger, B., Laaksonen, A., Lamuela-Orta, C., Nurmio, S., Peltoniemi, M., Lahti, L, and Zliobaite, I. “What are patterns of rise and decline?”. Royal Society Open Science, 10, 230052. PDF
Lysne-Voje, K., Saulsbury, J., Starrfelt, J., Varajao de Latorre, D., Rojas, A., Kinneberg, V., Liow, LH, Rugstad, A., Wilson, C., Saupe, E., M. Grabowski, M. Measurement theory and paleobiology. Trends in Ecology & Evolution , S0169534723002161. (doi:10.1016/j.tree.2023.08.005) PDF
Edler, D., Holmgren, A., Rojas R,, Calatayud, J., Rosvall, M., and Antonelli, A. 2023. Infomap Bioregions 2 - Exploring the interplay between biogeography and evolution PDF
Kirkley, Alec, Rojas, A., Rosvall, M., and Young, J-G. (2023). Compressing network populations with modal networks reveals structural diversity. Accepted in Communications Physics PDF
Rojas, A., Eriksson, A., Neuman, M., Edler, D., Blöcker, C., and Rosvall, M. A natural history of networks: Modeling higher-order interactions in geohistorical data. Under review in Paleobiology PDF
Karapunar, B., Werner, W., Simonsen, S., Bade, M., Lücke, M., Rebbe, T., Schubert, S., Rojas, A. (2023). Drilling predation on Early Jurassic bivalves and behavioral patterns of the presumed gastropod predator — evidence from Pliensbachian soft bottom deposits of northern Germany. Paleobiology, 1–23. PDF
Scarponi, D., Rojas, A., Nawrot, R., Cheli, A. and Kowalewski, M. (2023). Assessing biotic response to anthropogenic forcing using mollusc assemblages from the Po-Adriatic System (Italy). The Geological Society of London Special Publication, Conservation Palaeobiology of Marine Ecosystems, 529(1). PDF
Eriksson, A., Carletti, T., Lambiotte, R., Rojas, A., and Rosvall, M. (2022). “Flow-Based Community Detection in Hypergraphs,” in Higher-Order Systems Understanding Complex Systems., eds. F. Battiston and G. Petri (Cham: Springer International Publishing), 141–161. PDF
Pilotto, F., Rojas, A., and Buckland, P. I. (2022). Late Holocene anthropogenic landscape change in northwestern Europe impacted insect biodiversity as much as climate change did after the last Ice Age. Proc. R. Soc. B. 289, 20212734. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2021.2734. PDF
Rojas, A., Gracia, A., Hernández-Ávila, I., Patarroyo, P., Kowalewski, M. (2022). Occurrence of the brachiopod Tichosina in deep-sea coral bottoms of the Caribbean Sea and its paleoenvironmental implications. Bulletin of the Florida Museum of Natural History 59, 1–15.PDF
Viglietti, P., Rojas, A., Rosvall, M., Davis, B., and Angielczyk, K. (2022). Network‐based biostratigraphy for the late Permian to mid‐ Triassic Beaufort Group (Karoo Supergroup) in South Africa enhances biozone applicability and stratigraphic correlation. Palaeontology, 65. PDF
Rojas, A. (2022) Sepkoski’s Evolutionary Faunas–Zooming out to Appreciate the Greatest Picture of Marine Life. The Palaeontology Newsletter, no. 110, 66–69. PDF
Edler, D., Eriksson, A., Rojas, A., and Rosvall, M. (2022). Infomap Bioregions 2: Exploring the Interplay between Biogeography and Evolution. PDF
Scarponi, D., Rojas, A., and Kowalewski, M., 2022. “Geohistorical Data in Conservation Biology: Historical Changes and Natural Range of Variability to Long-term Climate Changes in the Adriatic”. Book Restoring Connections and Building Resilience-North American Congress for Conservation Biology, 2022. Pages 1-1 PDF
Eriksson, A., Edler, D., Rojas, A., de Domenico, M., and Rosvall, M. (2021). How choosing random-walk model and network representation matters for flow-based community detection in hypergraphs. Commun Phys 4, 133. PDF
Calatayud, J., Neuman, M., Rojas, A., Eriksson, A., and Rosvall, M. (2021). Regularities in species’ niches reveal the world’s climate regions. eLife 10, e58397. PDF
Rojas, A., Calatayud, J., Kowalewski, M., Neuman, M., and Rosvall, M. (2021). A multiscale view of the Phanerozoic fossil record reveals the three major biotic transitions. Commun Biol 4, 309. PDF
Eriksson, A., Edler, D., Rojas, A., and Rosvall, M. (2021). Mapping flows on hypergraphs. arXiv:2101.00656 [physics]. PDF
Rojas, A., Dietl, G. P., Kowalewski, M., Portell, R. W., Hendy, A., and Blackburn, J. K. (2020). Spatial point pattern analysis of traces (SPPAT): An approach for visualizing and quantifying site-selectivity patterns of drilling predators. Paleobiology 46, 259–271. PDF
Calatayud, J., Bernardo-Madrid, R., Neuman, M., Rojas, A., and Rosvall, M. (2019). Exploring the solution landscape enables more reliable network community detection. Phys. Rev. E 100, 052308. PDF
Rojas, A., and Sandy, M. R. (2019). Early Cretaceous (Valanginian) brachiopods from the Rosablanca Formation, Colombia, South America: Biostratigraphic significance and paleogeographic implications. Cretaceous Research 96, 184–195. PDF
Sandy, M. R., and Rojas, A. (2018). Paleobiogeographic affinities, biostratigraphic potential, and taxonomy of Cretaceous Terebratulide brachiopods from Colombia. in Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 6. doi: 10.1130/abs/2018AM-325121 PDF
Rojas, A., Patarroyo, P., Mao, L., Bengtson, P., and Kowalewski, M. (2017). Global biogeography of Albian ammonoids: A network-based approach. Geology 45, 659–662. PDF
Rojas, A., Portell, R. W., and Kowalewski, M. (2017). The post-Palaeozoic fossil record of drilling predation on lingulide brachiopods. Lethaia 50, 296–305.PDF
Garcia, J., Oyuela-Caycedo, A., and Rojas, A. (2015). Holocene Paleoclimate Reconstruction from δ18O Isotopes of Neocyclotus Opercula a Morphometric Analysis of Variation at the Archaic Site of San Jacinto 1. in (San Francisco, CA: Society for American Archaeology). doi: tDAR id: 395000. PDF
Rojas, A., Gracia, A., and Patarroyo, P. (2015). Brachiopods from off the San Bernardo Archipelago (Colombian Caribbean), with comments on specific synonymies in Tichosina Cooper, 1977. Zootaxa 3914, 55. PDF
Rojas, A., Hendy, A., and Dietl, G. P. (2015). Edge-drilling behavior in the predatory gastropod Notocochlis unifasciata (Lamarck, 1822) (Caenogastropoda, Naticidae) from the Pacific coast of Panama: taxonomic and biogeographical implications. Vita Malacologica, 63–72. PDF
Rojas, A, Schemm-Gregory, M., Rojas-Briceño, A., Patarroyo, P., and Jaramillo, C. (2012). First report of Hadrosia Cooper, 1983 in South America and its biostratigraphical and palaeobiogeographical implications. Cretaceous Research 34, 257–267. PDF
Between 2009 and 2012 I worked for the Panama Geology Project -PIRE, a unique opportunity for understanding the impacts that the emergence of the Isthmus of Panama had on ancient marine and terrestrial biotas, presented by the Panama Canal expansion. Located at the Panama Canal Authority (ACP) facilities, I developed a collection catalogue for the more of 100.000 specimens recovered during the Panama Canal excavations, and coordinated their use for research. After that, I joined the Invertebrate Paleontology Division of the Florida Museum of Natural History as PhD student.
Vega, F. J., Nyborg, T., Kovalchuk, G., Luque, J., Rojas-Briceño, A., Patarroyo, P., et al. (2010). On some Panamerican Cretaceous crabs (Decapoda: Raninoida). Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana 62, 263–279. PDF
Rojas, A. Fossils, sediments and strata: Darwin’s geological thinking. Boletin de la Sociedad Colombiana de Geologia. (2009). Geonotas, 11–14.
Vega, F. J., Nyborg, T., Rojas, A., Patarroyo, P., Luque, J., Porras-Muzquiz, H., et al. (2007). Upper Cretaceous Crustacea from Mexico and Colombia: similar faunas and environments during Turonian times. Revista mexicana de Ciencias Geologicas 24, 403–422. PDF
Patarroyo, P., and Rojas, A. (2007). La sucesión y la fauna del Turoniano de la Formación San Rafael en pesca y su comparación con la sección tipo en Samacá (Boyacá- Colombia-s.a.). Geologia Colombiana, 89–96. PDF
Daniele Scarponi, Alexis Rojas, Rafal Nawrot, Alessandro Cheli, and Michal Kowalewski, “Assessing biotic response to anthropogenic forcing using mollusc assemblages from the Po-Adriatic System (Italy)”. In EGU General Assembly 2023, 6870. Vienna, Austria: The European Geosciences Union, 2023. PDF
Rojas, Alexis, Anton Holmgren, Magnus Neuman, Daniel Edler, Christopher Blöcker, and Martin Rosvall. “A Natural History of Networks: Modelling Higher-Order Interactions in Geohistorical Data.” In EGU General Assembly 2023, 6870. Vienna, Austria: The European Geosciences Union, 2023. PDF
Rojas, Alexis, and Silva Nurmio. “Higher-Order Network Dynamics Reveals the Semi-Nested Hierarchical Structure of Natural and Social Systems.” In Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 54 (5):382010. Denver, Colorado, USA: The Geological Society of America, 2022. LINK.
Viglietti, Pia, Alexis Rojas, Martin Rosvall, Brady Davis, and Kenneth Angielczyk. “A Network-Based Biostratigraphic Framework for the Beaufort Group (Karoo Supergroup), South Africa.” In Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 53 (6):365791. Portland, Oregon, USA: The Geological Society of America, 2021. LINK
Rojas, Alexis, Y. Barrera-Huertas, A. Moreno-Ayala, and M. Garcia. “Saving a Piece of the Colombian’s Geoheritage: Organizing and Characterizing the Macrofossil Collection of the Floresta Formation (Devonian, South America) at the National Pedagogic University.” In IPC5 Abstracts with Programs, 639. Paris, France, 2018. PDF
Rojas, Alexis, Michele Azzarone, Daniel Edler, Joaquín Calatayud, Martin Rosvall, Michal Kowalewski, and Daniele Scarponi. “Mapping Network Flows through Sedimentary Deposits Based on Fossil Assemblages: A Case Study from the Quaternary of the Po Plain (Italy).” In IPC5 Abstracts with Programs. Paris, France, 2018.
Sandy, M. R., and Alexis Rojas. “Paleobiogeographic Affinities, Biostratigraphic Potential, and Taxonomy of Cretaceous Terebratulide Brachiopods from Colombia.” In Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 50 (6):325121. Indianapolis, Indiana, USA: The Geological Society of America, 2018. LINK